Nature of Business
A subsidiary company of AJINOMOTO CO., INC. (JAPAN) which is a global-leading company in various areas such as Food Products, Amino Acids, Pharmaceuticals, Health and Nutrition Products. Our factories are located in over 23 countries with certifications in HALAL, KOSHER, HACCP, ISO 9001:2015, SIRIM, etc.
With vast experience in food applications and having a wide range of products, AJINOMOTO SINGAPORE can help manufacturers in meeting the increasing and ever-changing demands of nowadays consumers.
AJINOMOTO SINGAPORE can supply standard or custom-made seasonings to various food manufacturers such as processed food, processed meat, vegetarian, seafood-based food, snacks, sauces, etc.
Distributor and exporter of high quality products:
• MSG (Monosodium glutamate) AJI-NO-MOTO in retail sizes & bulk bag
• AJINOMOTO Frozen Foods in retail sizes & bulk bag
• Seasonings HON-DASHI, TUMIX, etc. in retail size & bulk bag
• Nucleotides AJITIDE I+G (Disodium 5'-Inosinate and Disodium 5'-Guanylate)
• Nucleotides AJITIDE IMP (Inosine Monophosphate)
• Tencho series AJIMATE & AJI-AROMA, Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein
• Transglutaminase ACTIVA
• Yeast extracts
• Amino acids
• AminoSweet, PalSweet, Asparthame, Advantame
• aminoVITAL (Amino-acids based sports nutrition)
'AJI-NO-MOTO', 'AJINOMOTO Frozen Foods', 'HON-DASHI', 'SERI-AJI', 'TUMIX', 'AJIMATE', 'AJI-AROMA', 'AJITIDE', 'ACTIVA', 'AminoSweet', 'PalSweet', 'aminoVITAL'